Strange Sentiment for Hero Nikhil's Hit Movies

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The Telugu Film industry gives a lot of weight to the sentiments. Be it the selection of heroines, music directors or even directors, release dates, launch ceremonies everything is followed by one or other sentiment which particular movie team feels as lucky. From the time a project is set up to the time it hits the theaters, every moment is followed by sentiments but it seems a strange sentiment is following hero Nikhil.

The movies in which Nikhil acted have become hits if they faced any difficulties in terms of release. In 2014, Nikhil starrer "Karthikeya'' movie hit theaters after facing many problems. It was an unforgettable success in Nikhil's career.

Another movie starring Nikhil was haunted by the same sentiment. In 2016, Nikhil starred in the movie "Ekkidiki Potavu Chinnawada'' this movie is made as a thriller mixed with a love story and was directed by VI Anand.  This movie was ready for release during demonetization finally hit the theaters after facing many difficulties and it became a huge success and reaped profits for the producer. 

"Arjun Suravaram'' which was released in 2019 also faced similar release problems. Hero Nikhil was very tense about whether this movie will hit the theatres. The movie which was supposed to be released in March was released in November after multiple postponements. It came to the theaters after a gap of eight months but still, it was a super hit.

Recently, a similar sentiment has been applied to the movie "Kartikeya 2''. It is known that this movie, which was supposed to be released on July 22, was postponed several times and released on August 13. However, the movie garnered huge applause from the audience became a rare blockbuster in the history of Telugu film industry. The movie made entry into the elite club of 100 crores gross and surprised everyone. 

All in all, this sentiment started with "Karthikeya'' released in 2014 is surprisingly continuing till Karthikeya-2 and it's becoming a lucky thing for Nikhil's movies. Strange but when you are getting the desired results, no one will complain.

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