Bhaje Vaayu Vegam - A Satisfactory Ride

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Bhaje Vaayu Vegam Movie Review

Movie: Bhaje Vaayu Vegam
Rating: 3/5
Cast:  Kartikeya Gummakonda, Ishwarya Menon, Rahul Tyson, Tanikella Bharani, Ravi Shankar and others
Director: Prashanth Reddy
Produced By: UV Concepts
Release Date: 31st May 2024


Venkat and Raju, hailing from Rajannapeta, are brothers. Their father, a man of simplicity and humility, instilled in them the values of honesty. On the other hand, George and David, who initially started as rowdies, gradually gained immense power and took control over the entire city of Hyderabad and its political landscape. However, a turning point arises when Venkat's father falls critically ill, necessitating a substantial sum for his operation. This dire situation leads the brothers to become entangled with the feared gangsters. Will they manage to escape from this perilous association? And what fate awaits their father? These questions form the crux of the overall narrative.


Karthikeya is given a role that suits him perfectly. The character provides him with a good balance of emotions and action. He portrays sincerity in the emotional scenes and effortlessly performs the action sequences when the opportunity arises. Rahul, also known as Tyson from the popular film Happy Days, makes a comeback in this movie. He portrays a soft and timid character. He has enough scenes to showcase his dramatic skills and delivers a decent performance. Ishwarya Menon's character has a minor but significant role in the movie's second half, making it worthwhile. Tanikella Bharani takes on a dramatic role and delivers as expected. However, the real surprise and standout performer in the movie is Ravi Shankar. His character has a fun touch, which works well in tense situations. 

What Worked For The Film:

The film grips the audience with an intriguing scene at the police station, setting the tone for what's to come. The flashback, a prolonged melodrama, leads us to the midpoint where the real excitement of Bhaje Vaayu Vegam unfolds. The protagonist's drastic measures to secure money for treatment add a thrilling twist. While not shocking, the small twists and turns keep us engaged and eager for the second half. The tension builds up again after the interval as the story takes a new direction, and the fast-paced narrative of a single day kicks off, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats. The same intrigue is maintained till the end. As said above, the scenes involving Ravi Shankar and Kartikeya in the second half work well for the film. The subtle touch of amusement is the cohesive element that binds everything together.

What Did Not Work For The Film:

The first half moves in a sluggish mode for a long time. The drama is well-established but appears overstretched. While the second half's narrative is engaging, it becomes repetitive as the focus shifts mainly to the drama.

Bhaje Vaayu Vegam Review And Verdict:

Bhaje Vaayu Vegam is an enjoyable ride with its fair share of well-put twists. While the film begins leisurely and takes some time to establish its central storyline, it captivates the audience once it delves into the heart of the narrative, ultimately leaving a positive impact. The storyline and drama elements are familiar, but what makes the film work is the racy mode in the latter half.

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